Thursday, August 29, 2013

Going out of town for Labor Day?

Going on a long road trip with the family is a fun time to enjoy an adventure together. However, traveling with children isn't always the easiest task. Some quick tips to make the ride enjoyable for everyone include:

1) Bring Snacks
2) Bring a portable TV or tablet, but limit technology. (It's all about spending time together after all).
3) Have a great playlist
4) Stop periodically to stretch and explore new areas. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Great App for Avoiding Agonizing Rush Hour Traffic

Did you know that drivers in the U.S. spend an average of 40 hours a year (an entire work week!) stuck in traffic that is unmoving? While time spent in your Kia is fulfilling, if you’re looking to get home a little faster and spend more time with your family or your television, there are some great apps out there to help make your commute both smoother and shorter.

A great app we’ve been using for a while now (before hipsters even) is Waze, which works in conjunction with other drivers in the area to give you real-time traffic and road info to save you time. Check it out in the App Store or on Google Play.

Come visit us with all the time you’ll save and take a look at our new line of KIAs.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Should Dogs Wear Seat Belts?

Dogs love to go for rides in the car and we love bring our pets with us EVERYWHERE these days. In a recent AAA survey, 31% of drivers admitted to being distracted at some point by a dog climbing into their lap when driving. When you are operating a vehicle, having an unrestrained dog aboard is dangerous for a variety of reasons:

-Roaming pets are distracting to drivers

-Driving with your dog on your lap is dangerous (duh) 

-Dogs in accidents are dangerous to everyone in the car because they turn into flying projectile in the event of an accident

-It’s the Law (kind of) –States like Arizona, Maine, Connecticut and New Jersey issue fines up to $1,000 if a dog is in the driver’s lap

Verdict: Yes, our canine friends should be strapped in. But don't take our word for it, watch this video and decide for yourself: