Friday, August 16, 2013

Should Dogs Wear Seat Belts?

Dogs love to go for rides in the car and we love bring our pets with us EVERYWHERE these days. In a recent AAA survey, 31% of drivers admitted to being distracted at some point by a dog climbing into their lap when driving. When you are operating a vehicle, having an unrestrained dog aboard is dangerous for a variety of reasons:

-Roaming pets are distracting to drivers

-Driving with your dog on your lap is dangerous (duh) 

-Dogs in accidents are dangerous to everyone in the car because they turn into flying projectile in the event of an accident

-It’s the Law (kind of) –States like Arizona, Maine, Connecticut and New Jersey issue fines up to $1,000 if a dog is in the driver’s lap

Verdict: Yes, our canine friends should be strapped in. But don't take our word for it, watch this video and decide for yourself:

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