Friday, July 11, 2014

Three Common Driving Distractions and How to Deal with Them

1. Chatting with passengers: Statistically, people get in to more accidents when their car is overloaded with chatty kathy’s. If you’re the driver it’s your responsibility to maintain the order in your vehicle. If their too talkative and you can’t concentrate, it’s ok to tell them to put a lid on it.

2. Playing DJ: There’s nothing better than cruising down the road to your favorite song but it can also be a huge distraction. Every time you take your eyes off the road to change the radio station, or switch the song, you take the risk of getting in to an accident. To avoid this make sure your playlist is ready to go before you get in the car, that way you aren’t tempted to mess around with it while behind the wheel.

3. The infamous cell phone: This is the most important one! If you must talk on the phone, make sure that you are connected to a hands-free device. We recommend putting your phone away all together. If it’s an emergency, pull over to the side of the road and have your conversation. No call or text is worth endangering your safety or the safety of someone else!

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