Friday, May 2, 2014

Feeling Hostile Behind the Wheel? Learn How to Control Your Anger in 3 Simple Steps!


1   1) Get Your Shut Eye: We all get a little grumpy when we’re exhausted. A lot of the time this grumpiness gets taken out on the drivers around us. Enough sleep= happier driving.

2) Your Car is Not a Refuge: It’s tempting to take a drive “just to blow off some steam”. Though it may seem like a good idea at the time, it never really is. Getting in your car when you’re stressed or angry can spell trouble for you and the people around you.

3) Turn Down the Jams: Listening to music in your car can be relaxing when you listen to slower music or even talk radio. The problem stems from when you listen to music with the bass turned up too loud, or listen to aggressive music. Aggressive music= aggressive driving. Keep calm, others drivers will thank you for it.

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