Friday, May 9, 2014

Long Road Trip? Use These Three Games to Pass the Time

We all know long road trip drives can seem like forever. The kids are in the back seat asking a billion questions like “are we there yet?”, and you are just trying to keep yourself from going crazy! Next time you find yourself stuck on a long ride with nothing to do, try out these road trip games to keep everyone occupied!

“I Spy”

This is a classic. One person looks around and picks out an object that the other players have to guess, with their only clue being “I spy with my little eye something (insert color)”. The player that guesses correctly gets to pick out the next object. Remember not to pick something that’s whizzing by on the side of the road, but something that will be in view for at least a few minutes.

“License Plates”

There are lots of games that you can play with license plates, but our favorite is the alphabet game. Each person must call out letters in alphabetical order as they see them appear on license plates of other cars. The first person to Z wins. If you really need to kill time you can do the alphabet backwards as well!

“Name That Tune”

This is just like the classic game show! The first person to guess the name of the song wins. The first player will hum/sing/whistle a tune. Try to use something popular like a Movie or TV theme. The first person to guess the tune is the singer for the next round, and the person that guesses the most tunes wins!

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